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wpex_has_page_headerboolChecks whether the current post has a page header or not.
wpex_page_header_stylesarrayReturns an array of choices for the page header styles.
wpex_page_header_background_positionstringReturns a custom position for the page header background image to inserted into inline css. Default is "50% 0".
wpex_page_header_overlaystringReturns the html output for the overlay element when enabled and using the "Background Image" page header style.
wpex_page_header_overlay_classarrayReturns array of classnames to be added to the page header overlay when set to the "Background Image" style.
wpex_page_header_overlay_opacitystringReturns a custom opacity for the overlay color when the page header is set to the "Background Image" style and an overlay is enabled.
wpex_get_page_header_overlay_patternstringReturns the pattern style to be used for the page header overlay when set to the "Background Image" style (dotted or dashed). Default is "none".
wpex_page_header_overlay_stylestringReturns the overlay style to be used for the page header when set to the "Background Image" style (none or dark). Default is dark.
wpex_page_header_background_image_stylestringReturns the page header background image style (cover or fixed). Default is "cover".
wpex_page_header_background_imagestring/intReturns the background image to be used for the page header element. This can be a URL to an image or an image attachment id.
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