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Below you will find a reference of filters available in the Total theme. Filters can be used to modify default theme options, values or output (learn more). You can use the search above to try and locate specific filters. This reference is intended to help you quickly locate a filter name. Once you locate a filter that you think may be useful you can then search the theme files for the filter to see how it’s being used to assist you in your custom code.

Important: This is a manually created list so there may be filters available not yet listed.

Filter by:

totaltheme/header/logostringReturns the HTML for the header logo.
totaltheme/header/logo/has_scroll_top_linkboolCheck if the header logo should scroll to the top of the site when clicked.
totaltheme/header/logo/iconstringReturns the HTML for the header logo icon if enabled.
totaltheme/header/logo/imagestringReturns the HTML for the header logo image.
totaltheme/header/logo/image_attributesarrayReturns an array of attributes for the header logo image.
totaltheme/header/logo/image_heightintReturns the logo image width to be used for the height attribute.
totaltheme/header/logo/image_idstringReturns the attachment ID for your header logo image.
totaltheme/header/logo/image_widthintReturns the logo image width to be used for the width attribute.
totaltheme/header/logo/inner_classarrayReturns an array of classes added to the header logo-inner element.
totaltheme/header/logo/is_image_svgboolCheck if the header logo is using an SVG based image.
totaltheme/header/logo/link_urlstringReturns the URL for the header logo link.
totaltheme/header/logo/retina_image_idintReturns the attachment ID for the logo retina image.
totaltheme/header/logo/textstringThe header logo text. If you are using an image based logo this is used for the alt attribute.
totaltheme/header/logo/text_classarrayReturns an array of classes to be added to the text based header logo element.
totaltheme/header/logo/wrapper_classarrayReturns an array of classes for the header logo wrapper div.
totaltheme/header/menu/has_flush_dropdownsboolCheck if the header menu should have "flush" dropdowns, in other words the header menu is the same height as the header.
totaltheme/header/menu/is_customboolCheck if the header menu is using the theme's menu or a custom menu such as UberMenu.
totaltheme/header/menu/is_enabledboolChecks if the header menu should display or not.
totaltheme/header/menu/multisite_checkboolCheck's if the theme should be displaying the main menu assigned to the primary site in a Multi-site installation. Default is false.
totaltheme/header/menu/search/formstringReturns the search form to be used for the header. Default is get_search_form() or get_product_search_form().
totaltheme/header/menu/search/icon_choicesarrayReturns an array of icons allowed to be selected for the header search icon.
totaltheme/header/menu/search/icon_labelstringReturns the text added to the header menu search link toggle. This text is hidden by default as it's primarily used for screen readers.
totaltheme/header/menu/search/is_enabledboolChecks if the header menu has the search icon enabled or not.
totaltheme/header/menu/search/is_supportedboolChecks if the menu search functionality can be enabled for the header. Note: if the search style is set to disabled this filter will not override.
totaltheme/header/menu/search/placeholderstringReturns the placeholder text to be used for the header menu search form.
totaltheme/header/menu/search/stylestringReturns the menu search style. Accepts disabled, drop_down, overlay or header_replace.
totaltheme/header/menu/theme_locationstringReturns the registered menu location to be used for the header. Default is "main_menu".
totaltheme/header/menu/wp_menuvariedReturns the ID of a custom menu to be used for the header menu. Accepts a menu ID, slug, name, or object.
totaltheme/header/overlay/is_enabledboolCheck if the header overlay (transparent) header is enabled.
totaltheme/header/overlay/is_globalboolCheck if the overlay/transparent header has been enabled globally as opposed to via the theme settings metabox.
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