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Use the Total theme’s Alert boxes to make sure readers see your message. Whether it’s a warning or an affiliate disclosure, the Alert boxes are a quick and easy way to get your point across.

Default: this stye of alert box is gray and a great way to add an important message or boxed text to a page.

Info: this stye of alert box is blue and a great way to add an important message or boxed text to a page.

Success: this stye of alert box is green and a great way to add an important message or boxed text to a page.

Warning: this stye of alert box is yellow and a great way to add an important message or boxed text to a page.

Error: this stye of alert box is red and a great way to add an important message or boxed text to a page.


Choose from 5 different alert types and use options to edit the bottom margin, include a heading, change font size, add a shadow, select a vertical padding, or enable a CSS animation.

You can change the font size.

Give your Alert a Heading

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce laoreet vestibulum elit eget fringilla.

Add a drop shadow to your alerts. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce laoreet vestibulum elit eget fringilla.

You can also add vertical padding to your alerts (and change the alignment).

And there are tons of attention grabbing loading animations to choose from too!

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Gallery Slider
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