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Total comes with a builder element for adding icons with just the click of a button. Add icons from the included 6 icon sets – Theme Icons, Font Awesome, Open Iconic, Typicons, Entypo and Linecons. This gives you hundreds of icons to choose from! Plus there are customization options for color, background, size, alignment, hover styles, link options, CSS animation and more.

Choose Your Size

Choose a custom size based on pixels. Since Total utilizes icon fonts you can choose pretty much any size your can type, from 1px to 100px or more!

Custom Colors

Choose a custom size based on pixels. Since Total utilizes icon fonts you can choose pretty much any size your can type, from 1px to 100px or more!

Backgrounds & Borders

Make icons pop with a bold background or border. Choose the size, select a color and even add a border radius for interest.

Hover Animations

Choose from 30+ hover animations to add to your icons (as a bonus, you can combine them with a hover color too).

Float Shadow
Pulse Grow
Wobble Horizontal
Bounce Out
Loading Animations

You can also use one of 40 CSS animations to add a loading effect for your icons. Just select the one you’d like to use from the dropdown.

Choose from bounce, fade, flip, lightspeed, rotating, special, zoom, slide, and default styles.

Icons Boxes
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