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Dynamic Variables

Total 5.6.1 introduced new “Dynamic Variables” which can be used when adding text within elements or in certain theme settings (such as custom page titles) to display non-static text. For example lets say you are creating a dynamic template and you want to display the page title with the date in the format “Page Title – Published Date” the dynamic variables will allow you to do this via the Heading element like such:

Available Dynamic Variables

Belo is a table showing the variables currently available in the theme and what they can be used to display.

Variable nameReturn value
{{current_url}}Current URL.
{{post_id}}Current post id.
{{post_author}}Current post author name.
{{post_date}}Current post publish date.
{{post_modified}}Current post last modified date.
{{post_title}}Current post title.
{{post_slug}}Current post slug.
{{post_rating}}Current post rating.
{{post_content}}Current post content (formatted/parsed).
{{post_excerpt}}Current post excerpt – returns the value of get_the_excerpt()
{{permalink}}Current post url.
{{title}}Current title (post or archives).
{{taxonomy}}Current taxonomy name.
{{term_name}}Current taxonomy term name.
{{term_id}}Current taxonomy term id.
{{post_count}}Number of posts in current archive.
{{category}}Current post primary category.
{{primary_term_id}}Post primary term id.
{{paged}}Paged text for paginated pages.
{{acf_KEY}}ACF value where KEY is your acf field key or name.
{{cf_KEY}}Custom field value where KEY is your custom field key.
{{card_running_count}}Current running count number when used within custom cards.
{{card_icon}}Icon defined under the Card Settings meta box.

How to Add Custom Variables?

Yes, it’s possible to add your own custom replacement variables using the “wpex_replacement_vars” filter.

Let’s say there is a specific string of text you need to use in many places on your site, by defining a custom variable you can make sure that this string can be modified globally.

View the example snippet here.

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