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totaltheme/header/logo/text_classarrayReturns an array of classes to be added to the text based header logo element.
totaltheme/header/logo/iconstringReturns the HTML for the header logo icon if enabled.
totaltheme/header/logo/is_image_svgboolCheck if the header logo is using an SVG based image.
totaltheme/header/logo/image_heightintReturns the logo image width to be used for the height attribute.
totaltheme/header/logo/image_widthintReturns the logo image width to be used for the width attribute.
totaltheme/header/logo/retina_image_idintReturns the attachment ID for the logo retina image.
totaltheme/header/logo/has_scroll_top_linkboolCheck if the header logo should scroll to the top of the site when clicked.
totaltheme/header/background_imagestringFilters the header background image. Allows but a URL to an image or an attachment ID.
totaltheme/header/has_flex_containerboolCheck if the header should include a flex container. If true the theme inserts a new div (#site-header-flex) inside the header.
totaltheme/header/has_fixed_heightboolReturns true or false if the current header style has a fixed height. By default it returns true for all the "Flex" header styles.
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